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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


Miscellaneous Options

The following table lists all other RAIDCFG options, parameters, and pre-defined arguments.

Table 1. Miscellaneous Optional Parameters
Mandatory Options and Arguments Optional Parameters Valid Parameters Arguments Description
any option -l or logfile < filename>

Logs command line output to a file. The utility either appends the information to an existing log file or creates a new file. The log file contains the same information as standard output. This option is optional and can be added to the command line in any order after the mandatory options have been added.


A:>raidcfg -ctrl -l=log.txt
Controller_ID/Slot_ID:  0
                                                Controller_PCI_ID:      4:2:1
                                                Controller_Name:        Dell PERC 6/E
                                                Channels:                2
                                                Virtual_Disks:           0
                                                Firmware Version:        V2.8-0[6064]
RAIDCFG Command successful!
  -si or silent NA

Does not display any information on the terminal console. This option is optional and can be added to the command line in any order after any mandatory options have been added.


A:>raidcfg -ctrl -si
  -ver or version NA

Displays the version number of the RAIDCFG utility. This option is optional and can be added to the command line in any order after any mandatory options have been added.


A:>raidcfg -ver 
Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Dell Inc.
RAIDCFG Command successful!

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