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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


SYSCFG Replication Rules

Not all BIOS and BMC options can be replicated using the .ini file. For example, boot sequence and device sequence are only replicated if a device name list can be supplied. A numerical device list cannot be replicated since the index values can change from system to system. In addition, because the service tag information is static, it is not commented out in the output file or replicated. See the description of each option for further replication information.

The syscfg.ini file cannot be used across different systems. The file output operation places system identification information at the beginning of the [syscfg] section. This information is used to determine if the file can be accepted as input for a system. The following information is used for system identification:

  • System ID Byte(s)
  • System Name
  • BIOS Version

If these values do not match the values found on the system, the file input operation fails.

The following is the SYSCFG behavior during replication:

  • Options not available in SYSCFG are termed invalid options. If SYSCFG encounters an invalid option in the syscfg.ini file, the SYSCFG utility terminates.
  • Unsupported options are options available in SYSCFG but not applicable on certain systems. If SYSCFG encounters an unsupported option, SYSCFG logs this option and continues to the next option.
  • Unsupported arguments are arguments valid in SYSCFG but not applicable on certain systems. If SYSCFG encounters an unsupported argument, SYSCFG terminates.

    For example, the command syscfg –-embsataraid=ahci is not applicable on some PowerEdge 9G series systems.

  • SYSCFG logs a message in the log file for each option processed in the syscfg.ini file. To generate the log file, use the logfile option.

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