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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


Sub Options And Arguments For tcm Option

Table 1. Sub-options and Arguments for the tcm Option
Option Sub-option Arguments Description
tcm --tcmsecurity off Does not report the presence of TCM to the operating system.

Reports the presence of TCM to the operating system.


A:>syscfg tcm --tcmsecurity=off
  --tcmactivation enabled Enables and activates the TCM feature.
    disabled Disables and deactivates the TCM feature.

Does not alter the operational state of the TCM feature.


A:>syscfg tcm --tcmactivation=enabled
  --tcmclear NA Clears the contents of the TCM chip without erasing the tcmsecurity and tcmactivation settings.


A:>syscfg tcm --tcmactivation=enabled --tcmclear --setuppwdoverride
  --tcmundoclear NA

Cancels the result of the tcmclear setting.


A:>syscfg tcm --tcmactivation=enabled --tcmundoclear --setuppwdoverride

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