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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


Environment Variable File

The environment variable file can be used for discovering and recording system information to environment variables. The file consists of several sections with .ini format that map PCI vendor/device numbers to environment variable values. The environment variable file is sys.ini in \DELL\TOOLKIT\TOOLS on Windows systems and on Linux systems, you can find it in /opt/dell/toolkit/bin . For example, the [DELLNIC] section header designates that an environment variable named dellnic1 should be set to the value of the name or value pair whose name matches the NIC's vendor or device number. If multiple NICs are present on a system, the environment variables are numbered sequentially: dellnic1, dellnic2 , and so on

Environmental Variable File Excerpt (sys.ini)


;environment variable will be set to INTELPRO100F for
                              vendor 8086, dev 1001
;environment variable will be set to INTELPRO100T for
                              vendor 8086, dev 1004
;environment variable will be set to INTELPRO100XT for
                              vendor 8086, dev 1008

The names of the environment variables can be changed in the Variable Names section. If a name is changed, the section that corresponds to that name must be changed as well.

Also available in the .ini file is a section that maps the system ID number to a string. This string can be used to identify the system during the discovery phase of deployment. The section name is the environment variable that is set to the value of the name/value pair whose name matches the system ID. To change the name of the environment variable, change the value of the MACHINE name in the Variable Names section, and change the corresponding section name.

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