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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


Serial Communication

Table 1. Serial Communication Options
Group Option Valid Arguments Description
Serial Communication --ConTermType Vt100Vt220, Ansi Sets the terminal type for your remote console.
  --ExtSerialConnector Serial1, Serial2, RemoteAccDevice Associates the External Serial Connector to Serial Device 1, Serial Device 2, or the Remote Access Device.
  --FailSafeBaud 115200, 57600, 19200, 9600 The BIOS attempts to determine the baud rate automatically. This failsafe baud rate is used only if the attempt fails.
  --RedirAfterBoot Enabled, Disabled Sets the BIOS console redirection to enable or disable when the operating system is loaded.
  --SerialComm OnNoConRedir, OnConRedirCom1, OnConRedirCom2, Off Enables or disables the serial communication devices (Serial Device 1 and Serial Device 2) in BIOS.
  --SerialPortAddress Serial1Com1Serial2Com2, Serial1Com2Serial2Com1, Com1, Com2 Sets the port address for the Serial Devices (COM1=0x3F8, COM2= 0x2F8).

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