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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


One-Time Boot

Table 1. One-Time Boot Options
Group Option Valid Arguments Description
One-Time Boot --OneTimeBootMode Disabled, OneTimeBootSeq, OneTimeHddSeq, OneTimeUefiBoot Seq, OneTimeCustomB ootSeqStr, OneTimeCustomH ddSeqStr, OneTimeCustomU efiBootSeqStr Allows to set the one-time boot sequence.
  --OneTimeBootSeqDev numerical list separated by commas or list of device names separated by commas Determines the one-time boot device when the One- Time Boot Device List is set to BIOS Boot Sequence Device. If Boot Mode is set to UEFI, the system temporarily switches the Boot Mode to BIOS when attempting a one-time boot to the device.
  --OneTimeHddSeqDev numerical list separated by commas or list of device names separated by commas Determines the one-time boot hard disk when the One-Time Boot Device List is set to BIOS Hard-Disk Drive Sequence Device. If Boot Mode is set to UEFI , the system temporarily switches the Boot Mode to BIOS when attempting a one-time boot to the device.
  --OneTimeUefiBootSeqDev numerical list separated by commas or list of device names separated by commas Determines the one-time boot device when the One-Time Boot Device List is set to UEFI Boot Sequence Device. If Boot Mode is set to BIOS, the system temporarily switches the Boot Mode to UEFI when attempting a one-time boot to the device.

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