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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


Command Line Syntax

The following table lists the generic command line characters and arguments present in the command line options with a short description of these characters.
Table 1. Command Line Options
Element Description
Prefix single character options.
  • NOTE: This delimiter is not applicable to Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) sub-options.
Prefix multi-character options.
Indicates the generic designation for a DTK utility name.
Indicates the generic single-character designation for an option.
Indicates the generic multi-character designation for a utility name, where you can use X to distinguish multiple options used in the same command line instance.
Indicates the generic designation for an argument, where you can use X to distinguish multiple arguments used in the same command line instance.
[mandatory option]
Indicates the generic designation for a mandatory argument.
<optional argument>
Indicates the generic designation for an optional argument.
Indicates the generic designation for a string.
Indicates the generic designation for a filename.
[ ]
Indicates a component of the command line. Enter only the information within the brackets and exclude the brackets.
Indicates that the previous argument can be repeated several times in a command. Enter only the information within the ellipses and exclude the ellipses.
Separates two mutually exclusive choices in a syntax line. For example:
usb: Turns the usb controller on or off
Argument: enable | disable | legacy
Enter only one choice: --usb=enable, --usb= disable, or --usb=legacy.

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