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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


SYSCFG For BMC And Remote Access Controller Configuration

SYSCFG configures Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and Remote Access Controller (RAC) settings.

  • NOTE: Some of the following options or arguments might not be available on all systems.
  • NOTE: For options that use text strings such as username, password, hostname, and community string, using some characters such as <space>, <, >, | , or = on the command line can be misinterpreted by the command line parser and cause errors.
  • NOTE: The following options or arguments are also applicable to DRAC 5.

The following tables document valid options, sub-options, and arguments along with a description of the expected behavior of each option and suboption. Options, sub-options, and arguments are case-sensitive. All options, sub-options, and pre-defined arguments are lowercase unless explicitly stated otherwise. Some features that must be noted while reading this section are:

  • Unless otherwise specified, all sub-options to options are optional.
  • If a sub-option is not specified for an option, all valid sub-option values are displayed for the option. If sub-options are specified, then only those suboptions are reported.
  • Wherever options or sub-options take empty strings as input, the string NULL should be input. For example, options such as username and suboptions such as commstring and hostname can take an empty string as input.

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