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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Table 1. solcfgparams options
Option Sub-option Valid Arguments Description Applicable Systems

Configures and displays SOL configuration parameters. This option can be replicated.

All PowerEdge systems
  --solenable enable, disable Enables or disables if the SOL payload type can be activated. This option can be replicated.  
  --solprivlevel user, operator, administrator Sets the minimum user privilege level required to activate the SOL. This option can be replicated.  
  --solcharaccuminterval 1–255 Sets the Character Accumulate Interval in 5–ms increments (1–255). This sets the typical amount of time that the BMC waits before transmitting a partial SOL character data packet. This option can be replicated.  
  --solcharsendthreshold 1–255
Specifies that the BMC automatically sends an SOL character data packet containing this number of characters in increments of 5 (1–255) as soon as this number of characters (or greater) has been accepted from the baseboard serial controller into the BMC. This option can be replicated.
  • NOTE: On PowerEdge 9G and SC1435 systems, the maximum limit is 255.
  --solbitrate 9600, 19200, 57600, 115200
Sets the serial channel communication bit rate (in bps) with the BMC when SOL is activated. This option can be replicated.
  • NOTE: The arguments for solbitrate vary with various Dell systems. If an argument valid for a particular Dell system is entered for another system, the Parameter out of range error is displayed.
Valid arguments are:
  • 57600 — for PowerEdge 9G systems that do not have DRAC 5 installed.
  • 115200 — for PowerEdge 9G systems that have DRAC 5 installed.
Example 1 (to display the current SOL configuration):
A:>syscfg solcfgparams
                                                solcfgparams solenable=enable
                                                solcharaccum interval=25
                                                solcharsend threshold=25
Example 2 (to set the SOL configuration parameters):
A:>syscfg solcfgparams
                                                --solcharaccum interval=25
                                                --solcharsend threshold=100
                                                --solbitrate=9600 solcfgparams solenable=disable
                                                solcharaccum interval=25
                                                solcharsend threshold=100

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