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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Auto Config

The Auto Config feature configures and provisions all the components in a server in a single operation. These components include BIOS, iDRAC, and PERC. Auto Config automatically imports a Server Configuration Profile (SCP) XML or JSON file containing all configurable parameters. The DHCP server that assigns the IP address also provides the details for accessing the SCP file.

SCP files are created by configuring a gold configuration server. This configuration is then exported to a shared NFS, CIFS, HTTP, or HTTPS network location that is accessible by the DHCP server and the iDRAC of the server being configured. The SCP file name can be based on the Service Tag or model number of the target server or can be given as a generic name. The DHCP server uses a DHCP server option to specify the SCP file name (optionally), SCP file location, and the user credentials to access the file location.

NOTE:The user credentials to the network share are sent in plaintext as part of the DHCP response message, so care must be taken when using this Auto Config on an unsecure network that the credentials cannot be used for anything other than accessing the network share.

When the iDRAC obtains an IP address from the DHCP server that is configured for Auto Config, iDRAC uses the SCP to configure the server’s devices. Auto Config is invoked only after the iDRAC gets its IP address from the DHCP server. If it does not get a response or an IP address from the DHCP server, then Auto Config is not invoked. HTTP and HTTPS file sharing options are supported for iDRAC firmware or later. Details of the HTTP or HTTPS address must be provided. In case the proxy is enabled on the server, the user must provide further proxy settings to allow HTTP or HTTPS to transfer information.

If autoconfig is not needed, it is a recommended security configuration to disable this feature to limit potential attack surface. If required, auto config should use HTTPS as a security best practice.

To configure Auto Config using iDRAC GUI: iDRAC Settings > Connectivity > iDRAC Auto Config.

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