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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Live Scanning

BIOS live scanning verifies the integrity and authenticity of the BIOS image in the BIOS primary ROM when the host is powered ON but not in POST.

  • This feature requires iDRAC Datacenter license.
  • A user must have Debug privilege for operating this feature.

iDRAC performs verification of immutable sections of BIOS image automatically at the following scenarios:

  • At AC power cycle/Cold boot
  • On a schedule determined by user
  • On demand (initiated by user)

Successful result of live scanning is logged to Lifecycle Controller Log (LCL). Failure result is logged to both LCL and system event logs (SEL).

Table 1. Platforms, iDRAC Versions, and Feature support
Platforms Supported Versions Features
R6525, C6525 iDRAC9 and above BIOS Integrity check at host boot
R6525, C6525, and R7525 iDRAC9 and above BIOS Integrity check at host boot and live scanning of BIOS image
15G Intel XCC platforms, such as R650, R750, MX750c, and others iDRAC9 and above BIOS Integrity check at host boot and live scanning of BIOS image

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