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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Create or Change SEKM Security Keys

When configuring the controller properties, you can create or change the security keys. The controller uses the encryption key to lock or unlock access to SED. You can create only one encryption key for each encryption-capable controller. The security key is managed using the following features:

  1. Local Key Management (LKM) System - LKM is used to generate the key ID and the password or key that is required to secure the virtual disk. If you are using LKM, you must create the encryption key by providing the Security Key Identifier and the Passphrase.
  2. Secure Enterprise Key Manager (SEKM) - This feature is used to generate the key using the Key Management Server (KMS). If you are using SEKM, you must configure iDRAC with KMS information and TLS/SSL related configuration.
NOTE:This task is not supported on PERC hardware controllers running in eHBA mode.

If you create the security key in 'Add to Pending Operation' mode and a job is not created, and then if you delete the security key, the create security key pending operation is cleared.

NOTE:For enabling SEKM, ensure that the supported PERC firmware is installed.
  • Only TLS 1.2 is supported for SEKM.
  • You cannot downgrade the PERC firmware to the previous version if SEKM is enabled. Downgrading of other PERC controller firmware in the same system which is not in SEKM mode may also fail. To downgrade the firmware for the PERC controllers that are not in SEKM mode, you can use OS DUP update method, or disable SEKM on the controllers and then retry the downgrade from iDRAC.
NOTE:When importing a hot plugged locked volume from one server to another, you see CTL entries for Controller attributes being applied in the LC Log.

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