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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Configuring Local Users

You can configure up to 16 local users in iDRAC with specific access permissions. Before you create an iDRAC user, verify if any current users exist. You can set usernames, passwords, and roles with the privileges for these users. The usernames and passwords can be changed using any of the iDRAC secured interfaces (that is, web interface, RACADM or WSMan). You can also enable or disable SNMPv3 authentication and IPMI User Privileges for each user.

As a security best practice when configuring users, an iDRAC administrator should apply a least privilege approach where only the required set of permissions are provided to each user. Any user who has been configured with the “Configure Users” privilege can modify the privilege level of any other iDRAC user including themselves. Users that do not have the “Configure Users” privilege are also unable to modify their own passwords.

Recommended Security Configuration for users:

  • Provide iDRAC users with least privileges required
  • Strong passwords
  • Disable IPMI User Privileges for all user
  • If SNMPv3 is needed set Authentication Type to SHA and Privacy Type to AES
  • Enable 2 -Factor Authentication
  • Configure SSH Key for PKI authentication

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