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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Virtual Console and Virtual Media Security

You can use the virtual console to manage a remote system using the keyboard, video, and mouse on your management station to control the corresponding devices on a managed server. This is a licensed feature for rack and tower servers. It is available by default in blade servers. You can launch virtual console in a supported web browser by using eHTML5 plug-in. A maximum of six simultaneous Virtual Console sessions are supported. All the sessions view the same managed server console simultaneously.

Virtual media allows the managed server to access media devices on the management station or ISO CD/DVD images on a network share as if they were devices on the managed server. This is a licensed feature for rack and tower servers. It is available by default for blade servers.

TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are enabled for vConsole communication by default, but for user that do not require TLS 1.1 for backwards compatibility vConsoles and VMedia can be configured to redirect internally to the iDRAC webserver. If this option is selected, then the configurable webserver encryption settings are used for vConsole and vMedia.

The following configurations are recommended for vConsole Security. The settings can be made by navigating to Configuration > Virtual Console in the GUI .

  • Plugin Type - eHTML5 (Enabled by Default)
  • Video Encryption – Enabled

The following web server settings are recommended and can be configured from iDRAC Settings > Services > Web Server > Settings .

  • TLS Protocol - TLS 1.2
  • SSL Encryption - 256-bit or higher

Virtual console uses port 5900 by default. If the port is blocked/firewalled, virtual console traffic gets redirected to the default HTTPS port. Web redirection is enabled by default and is the recommended setting. If it is turned off, it can be enabled using:

racadm set idrac.virtualconsole.webredirect 1

The following configurations are recommended for vMedia Security. The settings can be made by navigating to Configuration > Virtual Media in the GUI.

  • Virtual Media Encryption – Enabled

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