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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide



iDRAC provides a generic solution to support Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-based authentication. This feature does not require any schema extension on your directory services.

To make iDRAC LDAP implementation generic, the commonality between different directory services is used to group users and then map the user-group relationship. The directory service-specific action is the schema. For example, they may have different attribute names for the group, user, and the link between the user and the group. These actions can be configured in iDRAC.

The Certificate Settings page in iDRAC GUI is used to configure the digital certificate that is used during initiation of SSL connections when communicating with a generic LDAP server; these communications use LDAP over SSL (LDAPS). Certificate validation is a recommended security configuration. When enabled, it is necessary to upload the certificate of the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the certificate that is used by the LDAP server during initiation of SSL connections. The CA's certificate is used to validate the authenticity of the certificate provided by the LDAP server during SSL initiation.

Certificate ValidationSelect Enabled to enable certificate validation.
If enabled, iDRAC uses the CA certificate to validate the LDAP server certificate during SSL handshake. If disabled, iDRAC skips the certificate validation step of the SSL handshake. You can disable the certificate validation for testing purpose or if you choose to trust the domain controllers in the security boundary without validating their SSL certificates.

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