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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Server Inventory, Lifecycle Log, Server Profiles, and Licenses Import and Export

iDRAC9 with Lifecycle Controller firmware enables multiple protocols to perform export of server inventory, export of the Lifecycle Controller log, import and export of server profiles, and import of iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller licenses. These interfaces expand the options for network file share support with the Lifecycle Controller UI to include CIFS, NFS, HTTP, and HTTPS simplifying Lifecycle Controller UI operations. The recommended secure protocol for exports and imports of logs, profiles, and licenses is HTTPS.

To communicate using HTTPS, there is an existing iDRAC facility to upload and store certificates for various uses which have been expanded in iDRAC9 to allow the upload of the HTTPS server certificate. With the Apache server, for example, this is often the ca.crt file that is found in /etc/pki/tls/certs. This allows the uploaded certificate to be compared with the HTTPS server certificate at the time of a data transfer to validate the identity of the server.

NOTE:This is not the certificate that is used with the iDRAC GUI or WS-Man for in-bound HTTPS connections to the iDRAC. It is the one used for iDRAC outbound connections from the iDRAC to an external HTTPS server. For example, using a web browser to connect to the iDRAC over HTTPS uses one certificate. When the iDRAC fetches a firmware update package from an HTTPS server, it uses this other different certificate.

Server Profile can be Exported or Imported by navigating to Configuration > Server Configuration Profile .

  • It is recommended to use HTTP/HTTPS shares using a proxy.
  • When using HTTPS:
    • Configure Expired or invalid certificate action to Show error.
    • Upload a valid certificate for outbound connection

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