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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


VNC Security

The VNC feature can be enabled and configured on iDRAC to manage the remote server using both desktop and mobile devices such as Dell Wyse PocketCloud. The VNC viewer can connect to OS/Hypervisor on the server and provide access to keyboard, video, and mouse of the host server. Before launching the VNC client, you must enable the VNC server and configure the VNC server settings in iDRAC such as password, VNC port number, SSL encryption, and the time-out value. You can configure these settings using iDRAC Web interface or RACADM.

The below configuration options are recommended when using VNC server to maximize secure communication. The settings can be configured by navigating to Configuration > Virtual Console in the GUI.

  • Set SSL encryption to 256-bit or higher
  • Set a strong password. From iDRAC version, the VNC password must be exactly 8 characters long. Previous versions of iDRAC supported fewer characters.
  • Configure an acceptable Timeout value based on VNC use case.

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