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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


SSH Cryptography Configuration

iDRAC provides user control over the cryptographic settings for the SSH daemon such that the user can determine the ideal settings for their environment. The control given to the user is not a relaxation of the settings in any manner. Instead, the feature allows the user the ability to modify the value set for each option to achieve a narrower and stringent cryptographic policy. In other words, the user can only remove values from the options but is not able to add any values other than those that have been defined/allowed in the default value-set.

The cryptographic policies are configured using the following options:

  • Ciphers — Ciphers
  • Host-Key-Algorithms — HostKeyAlgorithms
  • Key-Exchange Algorithms — KeyExchangeAlgorithms
  • MACs — MACs

Typically, the values for each of these options are set to prudent settings that reflect the best security practices that cater to a wide variety of environments. As such the iDRAC default settings for these options are the same as those ascribed by the SSH package open-source community. These settings can be configured using RACADM command-line interface. See iDRAC RACADM CLI User’s Guide.

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