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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


OS to iDRAC Pass-through

In servers that have Network Daughter Card (NDC) or embedded LAN On Motherboard (LOM) devices, you can enable the OS to iDRAC Pass-through feature. This feature provides a high-speed bi-directional in-band communication between iDRAC and the host operating system through a shared LOM, a dedicated NIC, or through the USB NIC. The OS-BMC lom-p2p (i.e., "LOM-PT") interface uses the OS-to-BMC passthrough capability of the Shared NDC or LOM hardware. This feature only must be enabled if the iDRAC is in Shared LOM mode and the external switch does not support "hairpin" mode. When the iDRAC has LOM-PT enabled, traffic between the server and iDRAC is not sent externally to the network.

The OS-BMC usb-p2p (i.e. "USB-NIC") interface uses hardware on the server motherboard to enable point-to-point connectivity between the server and the iDRAC. This interface can be used to isolate host-to iDRAC traffic from external networks. If server to iDRAC connectivity is needed, USB-NIC is a preferred secure method because it can be used in combination with iDRAC’s dedicated NIC. However, as a security best practice, unused interfaces should be disabled if they are not needed. Disable USB-NIC if host-to-iDRAC communication is not needed and iDRAC Service Module (iSM) software is not installed on the server.

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