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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Enabling FIPS Mode using iDRAC Web Interface

  1. On the iDRAC web interface, go to iDRAC Settings > Connectivity > Network > Network Settings > Advanced Network Settings
  2. In FIPS Mode, select Enabled and click Apply.
  3. A message appears prompting you to confirm the change. Click OK.

    iDRAC restarts in FIPS mode. Wait for at least 60 seconds before you reconnect to iDRAC.

  4. Install a trusted certificate for iDRAC.
NOTE:The default TLS/SSL certificate is not allowed in FIPS mode and a user needs to configure iDRAC to use one of the other certificate methods found in the section “Securely Using SSL and TLS/SSL Certificate.”
NOTE:Some iDRAC interfaces, such as the standards-compliant implementations of IPMI and SNMP, do not support FIPS-compliance.
NOTE:When enabling FIPS mode, ensure that you are following your FIPS operational policies.
CAUTION:Enabling FIPS mode resets iDRAC to factory-default settings. If you want to restore the settings, back up the server configuration profile (SCP) before you enable FIPS mode and restore the SCP after iDRAC restarts.
NOTE:If you reinstall or upgrade iDRAC firmware, FIPS mode gets disabled.

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