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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Simple 2-Factor Authentication (Simple 2FA)

iDRAC offers simple 2-factor authentication option to enhance the security to the local users for logging in. When you log in from a source IP address which is different from the last login, you are prompted to enter the second factor authentication details.

Simple two factor authentication has two steps of authentication:

  • iDRAC Username and password
  • Simple 6-digit code which is sent to the user by email. User must enter this 6-digit code when prompted at login.
  • To receive 6-digit code, it is mandatory to configure 'Custom Sender Address' and have valid SMTP configuration.
  • The 2FA code expires after 10 minutes or is invalidated if it is already consumed before expiry.
  • If a user attempts to log in from another location with a different IP-Address while a pending 2FA challenge for the original IP-Address is still outstanding, the same token is sent for login attempt from the new IP address.
  • The feature is supported with iDRAC Enterprise license.

You can set an interval that requires user to authenticate periodically regardless of IP change (requires 6.00 firmware or higher).

When 2FA is enabled, following actions are not allowed:

  • Login to iDRAC through any UI which uses CLI with default user credentials.
  • Login to iDRAC through OMM app using Quick Sync-2
  • Add a member iDRAC in Group Manager.
NOTE:RACADM, Redfish, WSMAN, IPMI LAN, Serial, CLI from a source IP works only after successful login from supported interfaces like iDRAC GUI, SSH, and Telnet.

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