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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


Webserver Information

The following information is available and read-only to the end user without authentication. This is useful to identify and provision a server within a datacenter. If this information must be protected, it is recommended to follow the Best Practices listed in the Appendix.

  • Service Tag
  • Host Name
  • Firmware Version
  • MAC Address
  • Server Model
  • Server Generation
  • Manufacturer Name
  • Product License

Certain URIs and files on the iDRAC are available unauthenticated. These are required for loading the GUI login page and for discovery of Redfish endpoints.

  • /restgui/ - These contain Javascripts, CSS files, and font files required for the iDRAC GUI. These are static by nature and do not contain any information specific to the system.
  • /software/ - These contain downloadable applications that are required to launch virtual console. These are precompiled binaries and do not contain any information specific to the system.

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