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iDRAC9 Security Configuration Guide


LCD Panel

The three LCD panel’s buttons and ID button have different functionality based on a security setting set in BBB (BMC BIOS Binary) and other tools. There is no method to set these states through the LCD menu system.

Control Panel Access:

  • View and Modify (Default) - The user has full access to the LCD menu and can modify values (e.g. the IPv4 address, or the selection of the System Descriptor). If a value is being changed via the LCD AND a security lockout is sent remotely (either View Only or Disabled), then the session is terminated, the LCD returns to Home Mode, and all changes are discarded.
  • View Only – The user has full access to the LCD menu but cannot modify values.
    NOTE:Hide/Unhide is disabled in this mode.
  • Disabled- The user has no access to the LCD menu nor the chassis ID button. The user cannot invoke the chassis ID functionality by pressing the ID button. In addition, the user can only see the System Descriptor String and the error messages.
NOTE:Users do have the ability to manually scroll or fast scroll through the current scrolling message. The disable function also disables the chassis ID button functionality.

The ID button if pressed for more than 15 seconds reset the iDRAC regardless of the disable state. The reset functionality can be disabled such that no iDRAC reset occurs when ID button is pressed for longer than 15 seconds.

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