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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Configuring deployment credentials

The deployment credentials allow you to set up credentials to communicate securely with a bare-metal system that is discovered using auto discovery until the OS deployment is complete. For secure communication with iDRAC, OMIVV uses deployment credentials from initial discovery until the end of the deployment process. Once the OS deployment process is successfully complete, OMIVV changes the iDRAC credentials as provided in the connection profile. If you change the deployment credentials, all newly discovered systems from that point onwards are provisioned with the new credentials. However, the credentials on servers that are discovered prior to the change of deployment credentials are not affected by this change.

About this task

NOTE: OMIVV acts as a provisioning server. The deployment credentials allow you to communicate with iDRAC that uses the OMIVV plug-in as a provisioning server in the auto discovery process.


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage > Settings tab, under Appliance Settings, at the right side of Deployment Credentials, click the Edit icon.
  2. In Credentials for Bare Metal Server Deployment, under Credentials, enter the values for the following:
    • In the User Name text box, enter the user name.

      The user name should be 16 characters or less (only ASCII printable characters).

    • In the Password text box, enter the password.

      The password should be 20 characters or less (only ASCII printable characters).

    • In the Verify Password text box, enter the password again.

      Ensure that the passwords match.

  3. To save the specified credentials, click Apply.

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