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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Enabling auto discovery on newly purchased system

About this task

The auto discovery feature of a host system is not enabled by default; instead, enablement must be requested at the time of purchase. If auto discovery enablement is requested at the time of purchase, DHCP is enabled on the iDRAC and admin accounts are disabled. It is not necessary to configure a static IP address for the iDRAC. It gets one from a DHCP server on the network. To use the auto discovery feature, a DHCP server or a DNS server (or both) must be configured to support the discovery process. CSIOR should already be run during the factory process.

If auto discovery was not requested at the time of purchase, it can be enabled as follows:


  1. During the boot routine, press Ctrl+E.
  2. In the iDRAC setup window, enable the NIC (blade servers only).
  3. Enable Auto-Discovery.
  4. Enable DHCP.
  5. Disable admin accounts.
  6. Enable Get DNS server address from DHCP.
  7. Enable Get DNS domain name from DHCP.
  8. In the Provisioning Server field, enter:
    <OpenManage Integration virtual appliance IPaddress>:4433

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