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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Manually configuring PowerEdge 12th and later generation servers for auto discovery


Ensure that you have an iDRAC address.

About this task

When you order servers from Dell, you can ask for the auto discovery feature to be enabled on the servers after you provide the provisioning server IP address. The provisioning server IP address should be the IP address of OMIVV. Therefore, after you receive the servers from Dell, when you power on the servers after mounting and connecting the iDRAC cable, the servers get auto discovered and listed in the first page of the Deployment Wizard.

NOTE: For auto discovered servers, the credentials that are provided under Manage > Settings > Deployment Credentials is set as admin credentials and is used for further communication with the server, until the OS deployment is completed. After a successful OS deployment, the iDRAC credentials that are provided in the associated connection profile are set.

To enable auto discovery manually on the target machine, perform the following steps for 12th and later generation servers:


  1. To go to system setup, boot/reboot the target system and press F2 during the initial boot.
  2. Go to iDRAC Settings > User Configuration and disable the root user. Ensure that there are no other users with active administrator privileges on the iDRAC address when you are disabling the root user.
  3. Click Back, and click Remote Enablement.
  4. Set Enable Auto-Discovery as Enabled and Provisioning Server as the IP address of the OMIVV.
  5. Save the settings.
    The server is auto discovered upon next server boot. After successful auto discovery, the root user gets enabled, and the Enable Auto-Discovery flag is disabled automatically.

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