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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Enabling CSIOR on reference server


Before creating a hardware profile by using a reference server, enable the Collect System Inventory On Reboot (CSIOR) setting, and reboot the server to provide accurate inventory and configuration information.

About this task

There are two methods for enabling CSIOR:
Table 1. Methods for enabling CSIORThe following table mentions the methods used for enabling CSIOR:
Method Description
Locally Uses an individual host by using the Dell Lifecycle Controller United Server Configurator (USC) user interface.
Remotely Uses a WS-Man script. For more information on scripting this functionality, see Dell TechCenter and DCIM Lifecycle Controller Management Profile.

To enable CSIOR locally on a reference server:


  1. Power on the system, and during POST, press F2 to start USC.
  2. Select Hardware Configuration > Part Replacement Configuration.
  3. Enable the Collect System Inventory on Reboot setting, and exit USC.

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