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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Why am I not seeing OpenManage Integration icon in web client even if registration of plug-in to vCenter was successful?

OpenManage Integration icon is not displayed in the web client unless the vCenter web client services are restarted or the box is rebooted. When you register the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter appliance, the appliance is registered with both the desktop client and the web client. If you unregister the appliance and then either re-register the same version or register a new version of the appliance, it successfully registers with both clients, but the Dell icon may not appear in the web client. This is due to a caching issue from VMware. To clear the issue, ensure that you restart the web client service on the vCenter Server. Then the plug-in is displayed in the UI.

Resolution: Restart the web client service on the vCenter server.

Version Affected: 2.2 and later

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