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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Extracting the certificate thumbprint by using a Certificate Viewer tool

About this task

Perform the following steps to extract the certificate thumbprint:


  1. In Windows, double-click the old_machine.txt file to open it in Windows Certificate Viewer.
  2. In Windows Certificate Viewer, select the SHA1 Thumbprint field.
  3. Copy the thumbprint string into a plain text editor and replace the spaces with colons or remove the spaces from the string.
    For example, the thumbprint string can appear as either of the following:
    • ea87e150bb96fbbe1fa95a3c1d75b48c30db7971
    • ea:87:e1:50:bb:96:fb:be:1f:a9:5a:3c:1d:75:b4:8c:30:db:79:71

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