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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Viewing chassis summary details

You can view the chassis summary details for an individual chassis on the Chassis Summary page.


  1. In the Home page, click vCenter.
  2. In the left pane, under OpenManage Integration, click Dell Chassis.
  3. In the left pane, select the corresponding chassis IP.
  4. Click the Summary tab.
    The following information about the selected chassis is displayed:
    • Name
    • Model
    • Firmware version
    • Service tag
    • CMC
    NOTE: If you click the CMC link, the Chassis Management Controller page is displayed.
    NOTE: If you do not run the inventory job for the chassis, you can see only service tag and CMC IP address.
  5. View the health status of the devices associated with the selected chassis.
    The main pane displays the overall health of a chassis. The valid health indicators are Healthy, Warning, Critical, Not Present. In the Chassis Health grid view, the health of each component is displayed. The chassis health parameters are applicable for models VRTX version 1.0 and later, M1000e version 4.4 and later. For versions less than 4.3, only two health indicators are displayed, such as Healthy and Warning or Critical (Inverted triangle with an exclamatory mark in orange color).
    NOTE: The overall health indicates the health based on the chassis with the least health parameter. For example, if there are 5 healthy signs and 1 warning sign, the overall health is shown as warning
  6. View CMC Enterprise or Express with the license type and expiry date for a chassis.
    The mentioned details are not applicable for M1000e chassis.
  7. Click the Warranty icon and view the number of remaining days and the days used for a host.
    If you have more than one warranty, the last day of the last warranty is considered to calculate the number of days left for warranty.
  8. View the errors in the Active Errors table lists for a chassis, which are displayed in the Chassis Health page.
    NOTE: For M1000e version 4.3 and earlier, the active errors are not displayed.

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