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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Device discovery

Discovery is the process of adding supported Dell PowerEdge bare-metal server. After a server is discovered, you can use it for hypervisor and hardware deployment. See OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Compatibility Matrix for the list of the PowerEdge servers required for deployment. The network connectivity from the Dell bare-metal server’s iDRAC to the OMIVV virtual machine is required.

NOTE: The hosts with existing hypervisors should not be discovered into OMIVV, instead they should be added to the vCenter. Add them to a connection profile, and then reconcile with the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter by using the host compliance wizard.
NOTE: If bare-metal servers were discovered earlier than OMIVV 4.0, ensure that you remove the machines from the bare-metal server list and rediscover them.

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