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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Configuring deployment mode

About this task

Ensure that the following system requirements for the desired deployment modes are met:

Table 1. System requirements for deployment modesGives information about system requirements for deployment modes
Deployment modes Number of hosts Number of CPUs Memory—in GB
Small up to 250 2 8
Medium up to 500 4 16
Large up to 1000 8 32
NOTE: For any of the mentioned deployment modes, ensure that you reserve sufficient amount of memory resources to the OMIVV virtual appliance by using reservations. See vSphere Documentation for steps about reserving memory resources.
You can select an appropriate deployment mode to scale OMIVV to match the number of nodes in your environment.


  1. In the APPLIANCE MANAGEMENT page, scroll down to Deployment Mode.
    The configuration values of the deployment mode such as Small, Medium, or Large is displayed and by default, the deployment mode is set to Small.
  2. Click Edit if you want to update the deployment mode based on the environment.
  3. In the Edit mode, select the desired deployment mode after ensuring that the prerequisites are met.
  4. Click Apply.
    The allocated CPU and memory are verified against the required CPU and memory for the set deployment mode and either of the following situations happen:
    • If the verification fails, an error message is displayed.
    • If the verification is successful, the OMIVV appliance restarts and the deployment mode is changed after you confirm the change.
    • If the required deployment mode is already set, a message is displayed.
  5. If the deployment mode is changed, confirm the changes, and then proceed with rebooting the OMIVV appliance to allow the deployment mode to be updated.


NOTE: During the OMIVV appliance boot up, the allocated system resource is verified against the set deployment mode. If the allocated system resources are less than the set deployment mode, the OMIVV appliance does not boot up to the login screen. To boot up the OMIVV appliance, shut down the OMIVV appliance, update the system resources to the existing set deployment mode, and follow the Downgrade deployment mode task.

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