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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Configuring latest appliance version notification

About this task

To receive periodic notification about the availability of latest version (RPM, OVF, RPM/OVF) of OMIVV, perform the following steps to configure the latest version notification:


  1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage→ Settings tab, under Appliance Settings, at the right side of Latest Version Notification, click the Edit icon.
    By default, the latest version notification is disabled.
  2. In the Latest Version Notification and Retrieval Schedule dialog box, perform the following actions:
    1. If you want to enable latest version notification, select the Enable Latest Version notification check box.
    2. Under Latest Version Retrieval Schedule, select the days of the week for this job.
    3. In Latest Version Retrieval Time, specify the required local time.
      The time you provide is your local time. Ensure that you calculate any time difference for running this task at a proper time on the OMIVV appliance.
  3. To save the settings, click Apply, to reset the settings, click Clear, and to abort the operation, click Cancel.

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