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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


About the PowerScale SDK

Information about the PowerScale SDK documentation and resources.

Discover PowerScale APIs from Dell Technologies Developer Portal. The PowerScale API provides access to cluster configuration and access to cluster data. Access the Dell Technologies Developer Portal to find PowerScale API reference documentation and tutorials to help get you building.

The PowerScale software development kit (PowerScale SDK) is a collection of documentation, resources, tools, and code samples that allow the creation of applications for the PowerScale family of products.

Table 1. PowerScale SDK documentation and resources
Resource Location
PowerScale support https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/product-support/product/
GitHub repository for the PowerScale SDK https://github.com/isilon/isilon_sdk
Table 2. PowerScale SDK code samples
Resource Location
Python Language Bindings https://github.com/Isilon/isilon_sdk_python
Stat Browser https://github.com/Isilon/isilon_stat_browser

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