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PowerScale OneFS API Reference



The HealthCheck feature enables you to evaluate the status of specific software and hardware components of the cluster and the cluster's environment.

Aspects of the cluster or its environment that can be evaluated are called items. Depending on the nature of the item, when the item is evaluated, either each node in the cluster is checked or the cluster as a whole is checked. For example, an item that evaluates the number of DIMM errors that have been logged checks the logs in to each node in the cluster. An item that evaluates the amount of free space remaining on the cluster evaluates the cluster as a whole.

Parameters are elements of items to which you can assign specific values. For example, the item auth_ad_clock_skew contains a parameter that is named ad_provider. You can assign a value such as win_ad to the ad_provider parameter using the healthcheck/parameters/<ID> call.

Items and checklists can be evaluated according to a defined schedule. When an item or checklist is evaluated, the results are saved in the /ifs/.ifsvar/modules/health-check/results/evaluations directory.

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