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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


File pools

File pools are sets of files that you define to apply policy-based control of the storage characteristics of your data.

The initial installation of OneFS places all files in the cluster into a single file pool, which is subject to the default file pool policy. SmartPools enables you to define additional file pools, and create policies that move files in these pools to specific node pools and tiers.

File pool policies match specific file characteristics (such as file size, type, date of last access or a combination of these and other factors). Then, it defines specific storage operations for files that match them. The following examples demonstrate a few ways that you can configure file pool policies:

  • You can create a file pool policy for a specific file extension that requires high availability.

  • You can configure a file pool policy to store that type of data in a storage pool that provides the fastest reads or write.

  • You can create another file pool policy to evaluate last accessed date. You can use this pool to store older files in storage pool that is best suited for archiving for historical or regulatory purposes.

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