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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


OneFS API self-documentation

The system configuration API is self-documenting. You can access detailed information about each URI by appending the ?describe query parameter. This self-documentation includes URI descriptions, query arguments, allowable HTTP methods, and the request and response JSON representation structures.

To access the OneFS API self-documentation through any /platform resource URI, append the ?describe query parameter as follows:


For example, the following retrieves the API version 12 JSON schema documentation for upgrading nodes on a OneFS cluster:


The above query generates an output like the following example:

Resource URL: /platform/12/upgrade/cluster/nodes

    Overview: View information about nodes during an upgrade, rollback, or
              pre-upgrade assessment.

     Methods: GET


Method GET: View information about nodes during an upgrade, rollback, or
            pre-upgrade assessment.

URL: GET /platform/12/upgrade/cluster/nodes

Query arguments:
by_domain=<boolean> If true, tag nodes that are assigned to like-failure domains

GET response body schema:
  "type": [
      "additionalProperties": false, 
      "type": "object", 
      "description": "A list of errors that may be returned.", 
      "properties": {
        "errors": {
          "minItems": 1, 
          "items": {
            "additionalProperties": false, 
            "type": "object", 
            "description": "An object describing a single error.", 
            "properties": {
              "field": {
                "minLength": 1, 
                "type": "string", 
                "description": "The field with the error if applicable.", 
                "maxLength": 8192

You can retrieve a list of all the resources for a feature by appending the describe, list, and all query parameters. The content is returned as mime-type text or plain. For example, to return a list of all resource URIs for snapshots, type the following URL:


You can retrieve a list of all the resource URIs on your cluster by typing the following URL:


You can retrieve the JSON-formatted documents that are in the self-documentation through any resource URI by appending the query parameters describe and json. This content is returned as mime-type application/json.

For example, to obtain the JSON-formatted document for the quotas resource, type the following URL:


If you include any values for either the describe or json parameters, the values are ignored.

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