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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Get the attributes for a directory with the HEAD method

Retrieves the attribute information for a specified directory without transferring the contents of the directory. Attributes that can be displayed are returned only as headers, such as x-isi-ifs-<name>=<value>.

Request syntax

HEAD /namespace/<access_point>/<container_path> HTTP/1.1
Host <hostname>[:<port>]
Date: <date>
Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters

There are no query parameters for this request.

Request headers

Header Name Description Default Type Required
If-Modified-Since Returns directory content only if the directory was modified since the specified time. If no directory content was modified, a 304 message is returned. None HTTP date No
If-Unmodified-Since Returns directory content only if the directory was not modified since the specified time. If there is no unmodified directory content, a 412 message is returned to indicate that the precondition failed. None HTTP date No

Response headers

Header Name Description Default Type Required
Content-Encoding Provides the content encoding that was applied to the object content, so that decoding can be applied when retrieving the content. None String No
Content-Type Provides a standard MIME-type description of the content format. binary/octet-stream String No
x-isi-ifs-attr-<attr_name> Provides the extended attributes that were set in the message header. The attribute names are stored in uppercase, and all dashes (-) are converted to underscores (_). None String No
x-isi-ifs-missing-attr Provides the number of attributes that cannot be displayed in the HTTP header. Missing attributes can be retrieved through the following operation: GET the extended attributes of a directory. None String No
x-isi-ifs-access-control Provides the access mode for the directory in octal notation. None String No

Response body

No message body is returned upon success.

Example request

HEAD /namespace/ifs/my_folder/ HTTP/1.1
Host my_cluster:8080
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMT
Authorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMT
Connection: close
Server: Apache2/2.2.19
Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMT
x-isi-ifs-access-control:  0600
x-isi-ifs-attr-color:  red
x-isi-ifs-missing-attr:  1
x-isi-ifs-spec-version:  1.0
x-isi-ifs-target-type:  container
Vary:  Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding:  gzip
Content-Type:  text/xml; charset=UTF-8

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