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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Auditing overview

You can audit system configuration changes and protocol activity on an PowerScale cluster. All audit data is stored and protected in the cluster file system and organized by audit topics.

Auditing can detect many potential sources of data loss, including fraudulent activities, inappropriate entitlements, and unauthorized access attempts. Customers in industries such as financial services, health care, life sciences, and media and entertainment, as well as in governmental agencies, must meet stringent regulatory requirements developed to protect against these sources of data loss.

System configuration auditing tracks and records all configuration events that are handled by the OneFS HTTP API. The process involves auditing the command-line interface (CLI), web administration interface, and OneFS APIs. When you enable system configuration auditing, no additional configuration is required. System configuration auditing events are stored in the config audit topic directories.

Protocol auditing tracks and stores activity performed through SMB, NFS, and HDFS protocol connections. You can enable and configure protocol auditing for one or more access zones in a cluster. If you enable protocol auditing for an access zone, file-access events through the SMB, NFS, and HDFS protocols are recorded in the protocol audit topic directories. You can specify which events to log in each access zone. For example, you might want to audit the default set of protocol events in the System access zone but audit only successful attempts to delete files in a different access zone.

The audit events are logged on the individual nodes where the SMB, NFS, or HDFS client initiated the activity. The events are then stored in a binary file under /ifs/.ifsvar/audit/logs. The logs automatically roll over to a new file after the size reaches 1 GB. The logs are then compressed to reduce space.

The protocol audit log file is consumable by auditing applications that support the Common Event Enabler (CEE).

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