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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


API versions in OneFS

OneFS provides version control of API resources.

To use the latest API version, retrieve the latest API version at the URI /platform/latest. In OneFS, the API version is 14.

In OneFS, you can access the latest version of any configuration API resource at:


Where resources have older versions, the older versions can be accessed at:


The functionality of each resource is preserved, even with subsequent API versions. For example, if /resource/x is introduced in API version 1, updated in API version 3, and then updated again in API version 8, the following URI-to-resource mapping applies:

/platform/1/resource/x  ->  resource from API version 1
/platform/2/resource/x  ->  resource from API version 1
/platform/3/resource/x  ->  resource from API version 3
/platform/4/resource/x  ->  resource from API version 3
/platform/5/resource/x  ->  resource from API version 3
/platform/8/resource/x  ->  resource from API version 8

You are guaranteed that when you write code to a specific resource version, that behavior continues to function even if subsequent API versions are released.

These are the OneFS API versions and their corresponding releases:
OneFS version API version 14 13 12 11 10
8.2.2 9
8.2.1 8
8.2 7
8.1.1 6
8.1 5
8.0.1 4
8.0 3

In future OneFS releases, when the configuration API version is incremented, the /platform/latest URI returns the latest version number. You are guaranteed to access to the latest version of any resource by using the applicable version number in the resource URI.

Older versions of certain resources might be deprecated in the future. Large changes in the underlying OneFS system and configuration can cause certain fields or sets of fields to no longer be applicable. PowerScale only deprecates resources when necessary. If an old version of a resource can function, it is accessible at its original API version number URI.

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