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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


OneFS API terminology

The following terms are relevant to understanding the OneFS API.

Term Definition
Access point Root path of the URL to the file system. You can define an access point for any directory in the file system.
Collection Group of objects of a similar type. For example, all the user-defined quotas in the system make up a collection of quotas.
Data object An object that contains content data, such as a file on the system
Namespace The file system structure on the cluster

Containers or data objects

This term is also known as system configuration data that a user creates, or a global setting on the system.

For example, a user-created object can be a file system snapshot, quota, share, export, logical unit, or synchronization policy.

An object can also be global settings on the system, such as default share settings, HTTP server settings, snapshot subsystem settings, and so on.

Resource An object, collection, or function that you can access by a URI.

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