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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


SMB shares resource

Modify, delete, and create SMB shares; and retrieve information about SMB shares.

When creating a share, specify the ID of the access zone where the share is to be created. The zone specification is in the URI, for example:
POST <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares?zid=2
Specify the share name, path, and other properties in the JSON body of the request.
Operation Method and URI
Retrieve a single SMB share. GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares/<SHARE>
Retrieve a list of SMB shares. GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares
Create an SMB share. POST <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares/<ZONE-ID>
Modify an SMB share. PUT <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares/<SHARE>
Delete an SMB share. DELETE <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares/<SHARE>
View the detailed JSON schema for this resource, which has information about query parameters and object properties. GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares?describe
GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/protocols/smb/shares/<SHARE>?describe

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