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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


OneFS API access

By applying standard HTTP methods to resource URIs, you can modify file system settings or access content on any node in a cluster through the OneFS API. When making multiple changes through the OneFS API, it is recommended that you send all requests to a single node to avoid configuration collisions.

OneFS API resource URIs are composed of the following components.

Component Definition
my_cluster The IPv4 or IPv6 address or hostname for the cluster.
obj_port The number of the port. The default setting is 8080.
access_point The name of the access point, such as /ifs.
resource_path The file path to the directory that you want to access.
api_version The version of the OneFS API. It is an optional component, as OneFS automatically uses the latest API.
collection_pattern The namespace, collection name, and object ID of the resource that you want to configure.

In both types of API requests, you can append query parameters to the end of resource URIs to refine your request. For example, you can revise a GET request to return only a set number of entries. In the following example, a maximum of 1,000 SMB shares are returned:


File system configuration API requests

For file system configuration API requests, the resource URI is composed of the following components:


For example, you can send a GET request to the following URI to retrieve all SMB shares on a cluster. Where protocols is the namespace, SMB is the collection name, and shares is the object ID:


File system access API requests

For file system access APIs requests, the resource URI is composed of the following components:


For example, you can send a GET request to the following URI to view files that are stored in the folder at /ifs/users/folder1:

For example, you can send a PUT request to the following URI to copy files that are stored in the folder to another location:
If you specify the header x-isi-ifs-mode-mask value as preserve, then it copies the file/dir mode, ownership, ACL, timestamps information along with file data.

Also, in file system access API requests, you can indicate a special operation in your request by appending a predefined keyword to the end of the resource URI. These keywords must be placed first in the argument list and must not contain any value. If these keywords are placed in any other position in the argument list, the keywords are ignored. Predefined keywords are acl, metadata, worm, and query. For example:


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