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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Scale-out NAS overview

The scale-out NAS storage platform combines modular hardware with unified software to harness unstructured data. The OneFS operating system powers the platform to deliver a scalable pool of storage with a global namespace.

The unified software platform supports centralized administration through OneFS and through Dell Technologies APEX File Storage Services (File Services). OneFS administrators and Dell Technologies APEX File Storage Services administrators manage:

  • A cluster that runs a distributed file system
  • Scale-out nodes that add capacity and performance
  • Storage options that manage files and tiering
  • Flexible data protection and high availability
  • Software modules that control costs and optimize resources.

If you are a File Services storage administrator or application owner, you request services through your Dell Technologies APEX File Storage Services service provider. As a File Services storage administrator or application owner, you can perform self-service cluster data management tasks such as:

  • Managing folders and the file hierarchy structure
  • Monitoring SMB shares, NFS exports, and HDFS access
  • Managing storage pools policies
  • Monitoring quotas
  • Monitoring snapshots
  • Viewing reports
  • Managing users

See the PowerScale APEX File Storage Services Administration Guide for details.

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