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PowerScale OneFS API Reference



OneFS supports the Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol for reading data from and writing data to the PowerScale platform. The OneFS API for the S3 protocol supplements the S3 API.

The S3 objects map to the PowerScale file system as follows:
  • Bucket = base directory
  • Object prefix = directory path within bucket
  • Object = file

The S3 object key maps directly to a file system path.

The S3 protocol supports bucket and object creation, retrieving, updating, and deletion. Object retrievals and updates are atomic. Bucket properties can be updated.

Objects are accessible using NFS and SMB as normal files, providing cross-protocol support. The S3 access control lists (ACLs) translate into SMB ACLs as follows:
  • The S3 Predefined group AllUsers translates to SMB well known 'Everyone'.
  • The S3 Predefined group AllAuthenticatedUsers translates to SMB well-known 'Authenticated Users'.
  • An S3 request without a signature is treated as if they were the user 'nobody'.

Administrators generate access IDs and secret keys for authenticated users for access to use S3. Secret keys expire, and when an administrator generates a new secret key, the old key validity overlaps briefly with the new key validity.

See the Amazon Simple Storage Service documentation for more information.

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