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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


System jobs overview

The most critical function of OneFS is maintaining the integrity of data on your PowerScale cluster. Other important system maintenance functions include monitoring and optimizing performance, detecting and mitigating drive and node failures, and freeing up available space.

Maintenance functions use system resources and can take hours to run. This section describes the system maintenance functions, called jobs, that are managed by the Job Engine. Jobs run in the background.

NOTE: Job Engine does not manage all maintenance function jobs: system components such as SyncIQ and CloudPools manage some maintenance functions. For example, SyncIQ creates jobs to synchronize source and target content, and CloudPools creates jobs to upload and download data to and from the cloud.
The time that it takes for a job to run can vary depending on several factors, including:
  • Other system jobs that are running.
  • Other processes that are taking up CPU and I/O cycles while the job is running.
  • The configuration of your cluster
  • The size of your dataset
  • How long since the last iteration of the job was run.

It is recommended that you have no more than three jobs running simultaneously.

Job Engine evaluates jobs to enable higher priority jobs and administrator tasks to proceed. Job evaluation includes:
  • Ensuring that jobs that have the same exclusion sets do not run simultaneously.
  • Running jobs at different priority and impact levels
  • Temporarily suspending jobs (with no loss of progress)
  • How balanced your diskpools are
  • How much free space is left in your cluster

If a power failure occurs, the Job Engine checkpoint system resumes jobs as close as possible to the point at which they were interrupted. The checkpoint system monitors the tasks in the current job phase until they are completed. When the cluster is back up and available, Job Engine resumes the job phase from the last checkpoint.

As system administrator, through the Job Engine service, you can monitor, schedule, run, terminate, and apply other controls to system maintenance jobs. The Job Engine provides statistics and reporting tools that you can use to determine how long different system jobs take to run in your OneFS environment.

NOTE: To initiate any Job Engine tasks, you must have the role of SystemAdmin in the OneFS system.

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