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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


OpenStack Swift

OneFS supports OpenStack Swift, an object storage interface compatible with the OpenStack Swift 1.0 Application Programming Interface (API). Through OpenStack Swift, you can access file-based data that is stored on your cluster as objects. The Swift API is implemented as a set of Representational State Transfer (REST) web services over HTTP or secure HTTP (HTTPS). Since the Swift API is considered as a protocol, content and metadata can be ingested as objects and concurrently accessed through protocols that are configured on the cluster. The cluster requires a licensed to support OpenStack Swift.

NOTE: Support for OpenStack Swift will be removed for OneFS in a future release. Dell Technologies recommends using the OneFS S3 protocol support instead. See KB#542999 for more information.

The OpenStack Swift protocol service is a licensed feature. Contact your Dell Technologies representative to obtain a license key to access the Swift protocol and RESTful APIs for object storage operations.

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