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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


File system access API overview

You can access files and directories on a cluster programmatically through the OneFS API, like you can access files and directories through SMB or NFS protocols.

Through the OneFS API, you can perform the types of file system operations that are listed in the following table.

Operation Description
Access points Identify and configure access points and obtain protocol information.
Directory List directory content; get and set directory attributes; delete directories from the file system.
File View, move, copy, and delete files from the file system.
Access control Manage user rights; set ACL or POSIX permissions for files and directories.
Query Search and tag files
SmartLock Allow retention dates to be set on files; commit a file to a WORM state.

Also, you can create an external client or application to access the OneFS API in any major language, such as C, C++, Python, Java, or .net.

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