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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Managing SNMP settings

You can use SNMP to monitor cluster hardware and system information. You can configure settings through either the web administration interface or the command-line interface.

The default SNMP v3 username (general) and password can be changed to anything from the CLI or the WebUI. The username is only required when SNMP v3 is enabled and making SNMP v3 queries.

Configure a network monitoring system (NMS) to query each node directly through a static IPv4 address. If a node is configured for IPv6, you can communicate with SNMP over IPv6.

The SNMP proxy is enabled by default, and the SNMP implementation on each node is configured automatically to proxy for all other nodes in the cluster except itself. This proxy configuration allows the PowerScale Management Information Base (MIB) and standard MIBs to be exposed seamlessly by using context strings for supported SNMP versions. This approach allows you to query a node through another node by appending _node_<node number> to the community string of the query. For example, snmpwalk -m /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ISILON-MIB.txt -v 2c -c 'I$ilonpublic_node_1' localhost <nodename>.

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