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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


IP address pools

Within a subnet, you can partition an external network interfaces a cluster into pools of IP address ranges. The pools enable you to customize your storage network to serve different groups of users. You can configure subnets in IPv4 or IPv6.

You can associate IP address pools with a node, a group of nodes, or NIC ports. For example, you can set up one subnet for storage nodes and another subnet for accelerator nodes. Similarly, you can allocate ranges of IP addresses on a subnet to different teams, such as engineering and sales. These options help you create a storage topology that matches the demands of your network.

In addition, network provisioning rules streamline the setup of external connections. After you configure the rules with network settings, you can apply the settings to new nodes.

As a standard feature, the OneFS SmartConnect module balances connections among nodes. A round-robin policy with static IP addresses and one IP address pool for each subnet. Activating a SmartConnect Advanced license adds features, such as defining IP address pools to support multiple DNS zones.

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